YAGP 2020 Ballet Melange trainees accepted awards at Youth America Grand Prix Denver and were thrilled to be invited to the international Finals In New York City. In the Pas de Deux category, Avalon Kirby and exchange student, Ivan Andijevski placed first and were invited to NYC finals with Giselle staged by Elizabeth Shipiatsky and Sergii Sydorskyi. Paquita, also staged by Elizabeth Shipiatsky and Sergii Sydorskyi and danced by all Ballet Melange trainees and select CBA students, won 3rd place in the Large Group Ensembles Category and was invited to the finals in NYC. The character Small Group Ensemble, Krakowiak staged by Sergii Sydorskyi was also invited to the New York Finals. Soloist, Maya Vought was recognized in the Senior Classical category Top 24.